tcpflow 1.4.4 and some of its most Interesting Features

Published: 2014-01-11. Last Updated: 2014-01-11 22:43:37 UTC
by Guy Bruneau (Version: 1)
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The latest version can of course reconstruct TCP flows but also has some interesting feature such as being able to carve files out of web traffic (zip, gif, jpg, css, etc) and reconstruct webpages. Another nice feature is the fact it provides a summary PDF report of the pcap file processed by tcpflow.

When enabling file reconstructions, the web output of the files are in the following format which differentiate them from the regular TCP flow reconstructed files. Their format ends with HTTPBODY-001.html, HTTPBODY-001.gif,  HTTPBODY-001.css or to name a few.

A precompiled 32 and 64 bit version 1.4.0b1 is available for download here and contains all the same functionality the Unix version which can be downloaded here. This basic setup replays a pcap file and enables all the features use in tcpflow:

tcpflow -a -r -o tcpflow daemonlogger.pcap

-a: do ALL post-processing
-r file: read packets from tcpdump pcap file (may be repeated)
-o  outdir   : specify output directory (default '.')



Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc. gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu

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